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nerf dart tag sharp shot review

The Nerf dart tag sharp shot is a very worthwhile blaster to buy because

it is very accurate as the name suggests and is extremely powerful

this is a good value for money gun so it wont break your bank (but it isn’t a pocket-money toy)

The whole idea of the sharp shot is to provide a quick draw weapon and it does that very well with the belt clip where you can just pop it of your hip and shoot like you’re in a wild west duel.

The range is quite high because they have a tight barrel fit on the dart. The range maxs to about 30-35 feet or 12 or so metres.

The accuracy is great up to about 25 feetĀ  but it is a bit sketchy after this.

The aesthetics are the same as every dart tag blaster it has the shell over the actual blaster.

I intend to mod this blaster and be sure to look out for that in the near future.

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